Launch of the DIGITOO Project!

The “DIGITOO – School Toolkit on Digital Citizenship, Digital Footprint and Digital Ecology” kick-off meeting took place on the 29th and 30th November 2022 in Rome, Italy and brought together 8 partners among high schools, non-profit organizations and SMEs from Italy, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Slovenia and Romania:

  • Associazione Stampa Romana (Italy)
  • One-Off Tech (Germany)
  • Institut de Vic (Spain)
  • Istituto Magistrale Statale Giordano Bruno (Italy)
  • Koycegiz Fen Lisesi (Turkey)
  • Colegiul National Mihai Viteazul (Romania)
  • Solski Center Slovenske Konjice-Zrece (Slovenia)
  • Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium (Germany)

The Erasmus+ KA2 DIGITOO project is coordinated by Associazione Stampa Romana from Italy and, in line with the Horizontal Priority on , it aims at supporting the development of digital citizenship competences in secondary school students through the definition and piloting of a toolkit for teachers on digital citizenship, digital footprint and digital ecology. The project is co-funded by the call “Key Action 2 – Partnerships for Cooperation” within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.

The kick-off meeting was introduced with a presentation of all the partners followed by the overall presentation of the project, its objectives, target groups, the intellectual outputs, and then the project management and all the implementation activities.

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